Saturday, August 13, 2011

An Ode to my 17 inches

Oh how I've missed my laptop this week. The 17 inches I'm referring to is my 17" HP laptop. My good friend I've had since early 2008. I wasn't a digi scrapper yet but I was closing in on a certain age where I knew I'd need a bigger screen as my eyesight worsened from normal aging. I picked out my new buddy and we've been here in the living room ever since!

At BlogIndiana I used my Gateway Netbook to take notes and play along on Twitter (when I could use the useless wi-fi) I spent A LOT of time following along on my Blackberry's 3"x2" screen. My eyes were seriously strained, even with my new contacts (a hilarious post for another day!). I'm happy to be back to a full keyboard, my Mickey Mouse coffee cup and my comfy chair.

I went to the conference to learn about what makes a successful blog/blogger and yes I learned a lot. I learned a lot of what I don't want to be, but I learned some great writing tips and a lot of technical details.

And the answer to the whole blogger vs. wordpress debate? Your choice. Wordpress is absolutely more customizable, you can do all sorts of tracking with plug-ins, heck you can even record your post as a podcast. However, I think I'll stick with Blogger for awhile. It's easier and I'm happy with it. Plus it's super user-friendly and that makes me happy.

I didn't have a ton of scrapping time this week, but I did get to play with Susy's Heart this Lil' Boy kit. It's one that I had on my wish list so I was excited to match it up with a recent photo. Check this out:

I love this photo! Connor is going through a phase where he only wants Mommy at night, so this photo reminds me that yes, he truly loves his Daddy and can't wait to spend time with him. And what other Dad would be smiling and happy that his kid just dumped a bucket of sand on his head? Ah, boys.

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