Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Big 2!

My baby's second birthday is right around the corner next week, and his party is this Sunday. We're having it in our tiny home with our backyard that is like the Bristol race track - basically a 45 degree banking from the back door to the retention pond - so please send good thoughts no one ends up in the 'lake', they don't pass out from the eleventy-billion degree heat or they don't trip and fall over one another if it's pouring rain and we're stuck inside. I promise to take video either way.

We're having a Mickey Mouse themed party, and I'm pretty excited. I'm most excited about his balloons and the cake! Here are a few of the cake supplies:

Thank you Wal Mart! I'm sure you'd assume I'm making a cake, and cupcakes and being a domestic hero, but unfortunately my baby's birthday is right in the middle of the busiest two weeks of the year for myself and my husband. Enter JinAyla from the Bread Basket Bakery and Cafe. She whipped up Connor's cake, smash cake and cupcakes last year based on Ziggle Designs In the Wild Kit. It was amazing. Here's some leftover smash cake:

(We have better photos - I'll dig them out and update tomorrow. It's late and the terabyte drive is in the other room! LOL)

And the Kit:

We pick up the cake and cupcakes tomorrow morning. I can't wait to see it! I'll be back with Disney cake love this weekend so stay tuned!

PS - No Freebie Friday again, bad meejay. I think we'll work toward a First Friday of the month freebie for August. More to stay tuned for, right?

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